fullmoon Description

2008-7-19 08:19 by:果面 休闲娱乐 » 动漫相关 本站原创 | |

Full Moon o Sagashite is based on the manga of the same title by Tanaemura Arina. The story focuses on 12-year old Mitsuki who loves to sing and wants to become a singer. However, she has a tumour in her throat, which might only be cured at the cost of her voice./>
One day, two Shinigamis (gods of death from Japanese mythology), Takuto and Meroko, appear before her with news that she has only one year to live.

In order to realise her dream of becoming a singer, she prevails upon Takuto to transform her into a 16-year old girl and took part in a singing audition. Of course, she passes the audition and starts her singing career, but can she realise all her goals in the time she has left?

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