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2015-12-19 11:04 by:果面 PC应用 » 系统&软件 本站原创
1. Sample Aspect Ratio

* What is it?

The Sample Aspect Ratio (SAR) (sometimes called Pixel Aspect Ratio or just
Pel Aspect Ratio) is defined as the ratio of the width of the sample to the
height of the sample. While pixels on a computer monitor generally are
"square" meaning that their SAR is 1:1, digitized video usually has rather
odd SARs. Playback of material with a particular SAR on a system with
a different SAR will result in a stretched/squashed image. A correction is
necessary that relies on the knowledge of both SARs.

* How do I use it?

You can derive the SAR of an image from the width, height and the
display aspect ratio (DAR) of the image as follows:

SAR_x     DAR_x * height
-------- = --------------------
SAR_y     DAR_y * width

for example:

width x height = 704x576, DAR = 4:3 ==> SAR = 2304:2112 or 12:11

Please note that if your material is a digitized analog signal, you should
not use this equation to calculate the SAR.

* Should I use this option?

In one word: yes. Most decoders/ media players nowadays support automatic
correction of aspect ratios, and there are just few exceptions. You should
even use it, if the SAR of your material is 1:1, as the default of x264 is
"SAR not defined".
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DVDRIP 切边与Resize(或SAR)

2015-12-19 11:03 by:果面 PC应用 » 系统&软件 本站原创



先说说一个重要的概念,AE(Aspect Error),可以理解为屏幕比误差值,任何东西都不是完美的,DVDRIP也是,修正的过程,无论如何都会出现损耗误差(如果电视电脑标准一样就好了),这就是AE,越接近0,也就越“完美”,AE计算非常高深,这里也就不谈了。
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如果出现提示无法打开设备 (88890020),把缓冲设置到500毫秒或以下就可以用了。
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以下例子为centos 5.X  32/64系统,其它系统需要对应修改。
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